However, I haven't had as much time as I'd like as I've been busy (kitchen re-design is taking up time, I had to work today, a Saturday, and I was in my Bits of Thread Skirt Pattern-Making class). You can always look at my facebook page if you'd like to see examples of what our kitchen will look like (cabinets ordered!), and I could tell you in detail about the 45 minutes I spent looking for a dissertation about international law w/ regards to illicit drugs, but it's probably more fun if I show you & tell you about the skirt.

So how's the fitting going? Take a look at photo #2 and see what you think...the BP has definitely moved down to the right place. I also removed the fullness above the bust, now I need to take some out below. I also took out a little at the side seams...I think I'll remove a bit more tomorrow. I don't mind the flare at the sides, but there's some at the front, too, so I want to fit that. The problem with princess seams is which seam (there are 6 altogether) do I remove fullness from? I do think it's an improvement from the previous version.
I will spend tomorrow fitting & sewing. But first, our typical Sunday morning ritual: drinking coffee & reading the paper in bed. I haven't read any news for at least 3 days--I have them stacked up to go through!
Thank youu for this