Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Live from Lancaster! Amish Quilts from the Esprit Collection

We made a special trip to the Lancaster Quilt & Textile Museum to see all 82 quilts from the Esprit Amish Quilt Collection in one place.  They are amazing, mostly from about 1880 - 1925, made from solid-color pieces of wool.  Known for their graphic quality and modern art sensibility, Amish quilts made a big splash when they were exhibited as art at the Whitney in NYC in 1971.

Lancaster is a great little town, in the heart of Amish country...very charming & lots to see & do. Sunday afternoons are a good time to be out and about as the Amish head out in their carriages to socialize.

Here are a very few of the 82 quilts, just to show you some of our favorites.  I'll put some detail shots on the next post. Enjoy!
A quick note about the collection: they are in financial troubles and really need a donor to help them find a new home (though the collection will remain together & be used for shows; but will spend more of its time in storage than on show).  If you're an oil baroness or google heir, please contact them at the link above!

Music?  Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend?  by Marilyn (who else?)  To explain the pun, two of the above quilts are called Diamond in the Square...sorry!

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