The Roommate's Western (African) shirts have been well-received all up & down the East Coast. We were having dinner w/ some good friends near Union Square & I got a request to make another western shirt.
So, I came home & went thru the remnants of my fabric from West Africa, and found one piece that I thought would be good for the contrast. The problem was finding main color to show off the wax print. I didn't have any, or not nearly enough; my source for West African prints (G Street) didn't have any, so I broke down & bought some Marimekko (on sale at Crate & Barrel outlets) for my friend, and a very tiny print for his little boy. (There was no way I could make dad a shirt without making a tiny one, too!)
Oh, and they are both from vintage patterns! For you #vintagepledge sewists out there! Simplicity 6693 is the men's pattern, and McCall's 7456 is the boy's pattern (I made version E).
Above is the back of the little boy's shirt. I was especially pleased how the diamond design worked (and look at how well the collar matches!). This is some crazy fabric! I was cutting everything from the same piece, but there are so many different designs, I was able to get lots of different looks from it.
And here is the dad's shirt. The wax print looks amazing with the Marimekko, huh?!
Even the green placket is from the very edge of the fabric! Though it sort of looks like chile peppers on it. Or xmas-y. But I couldn't resist using as much as possible of this amazing textile, in honor of the Africans who don't waste any of their fabric.
Because this is the fabric that keeps on giving, I was able to find plenty of 'centerpieces' to use on the front & back yokes.
One thing I really worried about was fitting. Our friend is a much different shape than the Roommate (besides being 20 yrs younger!), so I knew that my current pattern wouldn't work. So, said friend took off the shirt he was wearing, in the restaurant & gave it to me (he had a t-shirt on underneath)! I did lots of measuring of that shirt then re-traced the whole pattern, incorporating those measurements, onto a different set of pieces. (Next post will be about storing those pattern pieces.)
A few more detail shots below.
And, my friend, modeling his new shirt. I was so pleased...I sent it to his office & he didn't wait 'til he got home to try it on, instead sending me a picture from work. (I'm the same way, I still wear new shoes home from the store whenever possible!) I'm thrilled!