Sometimes I'm not sure why I sew. It makes me pay a lot more attention to my body much more than I like to and I usually end up feeling like I'm a freak because NO pattern ever fits right out of the envelope! And then I decide, "Well, I can modify this so it will fit really well." Even though previous fitting experiences have been quite frustrating, with no clear lessons learned, and no actual pattern at the end that I feel can be used frustration without reward. As I said, why do I sew?! And why do I think I can make something fit?!
Sorry for the rant! Onward!
This dress needs a matching jacket. I have tried a couple of different versions of the one in the pattern (See & Sew B5699), but wasn't thrilled with them. They're okay, but not that great. So I was getting ready to go ahead & cut my lovely navy wool & silk/rayon lining (thank you, Mood!), and decided, no, let's try something else. Digging through my pattern boxes, I came across McCall's 5297 from 1976, which my mom gave me recently. (I think she might have made it for my sister? I don't remember it being for me.) Anyway, the jacket looks good, it's with princess seams (which always work better for me), and I just want to shorten it & round it a bit, so it's a bit more like this Mohammed-Make out of some of my beloved West African fabric. I get a lot of use out of this jacket, wearing it over tops or by itself with skirts and dresses.
So I started a toile/muslin. And was quickly reminded that even though princess seams are pretty good for fitting me, they're not perfect either...even this wonderful jacket from Mohammed is too loose at the waist. So, I started playing with 5297 & ended up making it a bit more like the one above. Specifically, that meant turning the front side piece into 2 pieces, like the jacket above. Essentially I went from 4 jacket front pieces (not including lining & interfacing) to 6. It took lots of cutting & trimming & pinning, and of course I'm not 100% sure it's right, but I found some free cotton I'd been given & decided to try it all out. If that works, then I'll get to work with the wool. You can see to the right that I did lots of tracing/drawing and modifying.
Frankentoile! |
I used lots of scraps from other projects & from old sheets I get at Goodwill. You can see my Frankentoile to the left, using 4 different pieces.
One thing that is good (I guess) is that most pattern pieces fit me perfectly through the back. It's sort of amazing how I match that part so well. At least I don't have to fuss with that. Just the sides & front!
By the end of the day, I had the cotton version cut out, put in a new needle, wound a bobbin & did the back neck darts & center back seam. A day spent fitting & cutting out & even making a bit of a start on the actual sewing...not too bad!
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